Those who are native to Chicago, will likely feel an immediate connection to this jersey, myself included. Being born here, raised here, gone to school here, ate here, done just about everything here —it was just normal for me, being from a part of Chicago that people have rarely heard of or have an even less desire to visit was common for me growing up whenever I encountered someone new in my life who wasn't from the 10th ward — the largest ward in the city.
South Chicago isn’t known for its coffee shops, or even its parks. It might be a neighborhood people have heard about or associate with not so good news. For some, it’s known for being the skeleton of a working neighborhood home to former steel mill families. Representing Mexican, Jamaican, Polish, Irish immigrants and more. It’s not a neighborhood people immediately think of when they think of the City of Chicago. For me, it’s still that working class neighborhood. It’s a place my parents decided to start their family, before wanting more. It’s a neighborhood I'm fiercely protective of to this day, especially because you probably haven’t heard of it.
Seeing my neighborhood on a pro sports jersey isn’t something I'd ever think I would see, and believe it or not, it's given me an even bigger sense of pride being from here. I hope we all get to see these jersey’s in action some way or other, and I look forward to hearing where everyone is from and pointing it out on the jersey.